Before we get into all the tips and tricks to really boost your business on social media, I want to take a step back to make sure your Facebook Business page is actually “Open for Business”.

Did you know you can have a Facebook Business page, but it not actually be visible to the world? Follow the steps below to assure your page is published and visible!

  1. Go to Facebook on a computer (not mobile) and on the top right you will see a dark down arrow (or technically its an upside triangle if we are going to be particular), click that and under Your Pages: select the Page you would like to work on.
  2. You should now see a new menu along the top of your screen under the normal Facebook banner, and click on Settings in the top right.
  3. The first option in General is Page Visibility. Click on the Edit button to the far right and make sure your page is PUBLISHED!

Your Facebook Business Page is officially Open For Business!